USAGE: Anaemia; border- line cases; pale eyelids; or lids with definite white line; tired, pale patients; all those who have reacted to anti-malarial tablets, or malaria itself. Body aching. The patient needs stimulating.
• HOMEO – China, Chinin Sulph, Cuprum Met, Ferrum Met, Ferrum Phos.
NatMur, Phos, Phos Ac.
• ORGANO – Blood, Eosin, Haemoglobin, Pancreatin, Platelets, Red Bone Marrow,
Spleen, Spleen Meridian
DOSAGE – Give 3 times daily, until there is improvement in the vitality. If very low then begin
6 times daily; reduce to 3 times daily, and then to once daily for a long period as a background, while the cause is being treated.
*This excerpt was taken from the book “Narayani Remedies, Written by Nimisha Parker. Published by Primedia eLauch LLC Copyright 2010.”
Approximately 200 pillules in each 10g, amber glass bottle. Expiry date: 5 years.