Includes all of the remedies below in a sturdy case
Aconite 30c |
Apis 30c |
Arnica 30c |
Arsenicum 30c |
Belladonna 30c |
Calendula 30c |
Cantharis 30c |
Carbo Veg 30c |
Chamomilla 30c |
Cocculus 30c |
Ignatia 30c |
Euphrasia 30c |
Ferr Phos 30c |
Gelsemium 30c |
Hep sulph 30c |
Hypericum 30c |
Kali Bich 30c |
Kali Phos 6x |
Ledum 30c |
Mag Phos 30c |
Merc Sol 30c |
Nat Mur 30c |
Nux Vomica 30c |
Pulsatilla 30c |
Rhus Tox 30c |
Sepia 30c |
Sulphur 30c |
Sol 30c |
Histaminum 30c |
Urtica Urens 30c |