Classic 30 x 10g Kit (250+ pillules each) – will be shipped early December

$560.00 Incl. GST/VAT

SKU: EKH_23690Cl30 Category:


Includes all of the remedies below in a sturdy case

Aconite 30c
Apis 30c
Arnica 30c
Arsenicum 30c
Belladonna 30c
Calendula 30c
Cantharis 30c
Carbo Veg 30c
Chamomilla 30c
Cocculus 30c
Ignatia 30c
Euphrasia 30c
Ferr Phos 30c
Gelsemium 30c
Hep sulph 30c
Hypericum 30c
Kali Bich 30c
Kali Phos 6x
Ledum 30c
Mag Phos 30c
Merc Sol 30c
Nat Mur 30c
Nux Vomica 30c
Pulsatilla 30c
Rhus Tox 30c
Sepia 30c
Sulphur 30c
Sol 30c
Histaminum 30c
Urtica Urens 30c


Additional information

Weight 1350 g
Dimensions 230 × 130 × 80 mm