Cina – Worm Seed
Most Homeopathically-minded parents of young children will know Cina for its remarkable ability to eliminate round worms, thread worms and their accompanying complaints.
Unsurprisingly, this remedy is indicated where there is ravenous hunger even after eating, accompanied by great itching of the anus. The belly may be hard and bloated, with twisting pains around the navel. 
The Cina child may be cross and ill-tempered, and doesn’t want to be touched or looked at, but may want to be rocked. There is grinding of the teeth and the child picks at their nose or bores their fingers into it until it bleeds. 
Cina can also act well in cases of whooping cough, where the child is excessively pale and goes stiff before each paroxysm of coughing. The cough is so violent that it brings tears and great pain in the sternum; the child lies still, afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on another bout. 
- Worms – thread worms and round worms
- Ravenous hunger even after eating
- Itching about the anus
- Itching nose -the child picks at it and bores their fingers into it until it bleeds
- Cross, ill-humoured children
- Restlessness during sleep, with jerking, shrieking and grinding of the teeth
- Stool mostly whitish or colourless; worms may be visible in the stool
- Worse: touch, being looked at, during sleep, open air, cold water, external pressure, sun; better: lying on the abdomen, motion, being rocked or carried over the shoulder