Carbo Veg

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SKU: EKH_23374CaVe Category: Tag:


Carbo Vegetabilis – Vegetable Charcoal

Carbo-veg. acts upon the mucous membranes, digestion, heart, venous circulation and the blood in general.

The central themes of this remedy are disintegration and stagnation.  The Carbo-veg. patient is listless, indifferent and sluggish. The vitality is low, often as a result of loss of fluids, after medication, following illness, after prolonged nursing or in elderly people with venous congestion. Everything is dulled, weak and heavy. 

The digestive complaints are numerous: there may be indigestion, pain, bloating, offensive flatulence & rancid belching. After eating or drinking the stomach feels as though it would burst, making anything tight around the waist or abdomen intolerable. The bloating can be so severe that it interferes with regular breathing. Food putrefies in the stomach before it is able to be digested, leading to offensive and rancid belching and flatus, both of which bring temporary relief. The simplest of food upsets the stomach, but meat, milk and fatty foods are particularly troublesome.

Think of Carbo-veg. in cases of severe nosebleed, when the bleeding is prolonged or happens several times daily over the course of a few weeks. The remedy is also indicated for gums which are spongy and bleed easily. Sluggish circulation leads to an icy coldness of whole body especially the extremities, the nose and the knees. 

  • Disordered and sluggish digestion with bloating, pain, flatulence and belching
  • Low vitality
  • Shortness of breath: the patient wants doors & windows open, craves fresh air and wants to be fanned
  • Bad effects from drinking wine or from food poisoning
  • Varicose veins
  • Haemorrhages from broken down veins
  • Gums are spongy and bleed easily
  • Prolonged and frequent nosebleeds
  • Meat, milk and fatty foods aggravate badly

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

3g pillules, 10g pillules, 10g 2mm pillules with stopper, 15ml liquid dropper, 30ml Spray


30c Potency