USAGE – For Calcium problems in the body. Today the lack of calcium in the body is most prevalent, for a number of reasons :
1. Antibiotics and drugs which while dealing with one point, destroy another.
2. Overuse of hormones
3. Removal of reproductive organs
4. Lack of exercise and good breathing methods
5. Living in a tense environment.
6. Poor quality of essential foods.
Therefore, this is excellent as a background remedy to prevent and correct calcium imbalance.
1. Use in the treatment of all elderly patients, with Back – Up Mix, as background remedies.
2. Give to all those on ‘the pill’ or any other hormone treatment
3. Give to women at menopause.
4. As a tonic for children use with Combination 12 to strengthen the skeleton.
5. All vaccinated, immunised children.
6. Expectant mothers – essential- entire nine months
7. Pre-conception for both parents.
8. First few months of life – essential.
9. All accident and injury cases.
10. All cancer patients – essential.
• Bone I – a mixture to strengthen bone mass which weakens when calcium is low in the body.
• Calc Fluor – If lacking, caries, necrosis, and tumours occur.
• Calc Phos – Bone diseases, teeth decay. Most necessary for healthy calcium content in body.
• Kali Phos – When calcium is low the mind is disturbed due to lack of calcium in the nervous system. Anxiety and nervous dread. Brain fag, hysteria, loss of memory.
• Parathyroid – Balances phosphorus/calcium content in blood.
DOSAGE: 3 times daily. Can be given to babies/children in water.
*This excerpt was taken from the book “Narayani Remedies, Written by Nimisha Parker. Published by Primedia eLauch LLC Copyright 2010.”
Approximately 200 pillules in each 10g, amber glass bottle. Expiry date: 5 years.