USAGE: Blood, immune system, glands, bone.
1. A great remedy to be used for anyone who is low in energy – working on entire body. A real booster. It can be given in conjunction with any remedies.
2. Use for all debilitating and chronic illnesses and malignancies, as a background, to hold the patient while treatment is being given.
3. A must for cancer, with one of the Viscum alb. compounds.
• Anaemia Balance & Blood Sugar Balance – Both work on composition of blood, pancreas, spleen and adrenals
• Glandular Fever – nosode.
• Glandular Mix (No.81) – works on all the lymph glands.
• Osteomyelinum – a nosode made from inflamed or infected bone and tissues.
• Virus Bacteria (Tansley) – working on any body intruders.
• Immunity Mix (No.86) – holds and deals within the immune system. Boosts immune system. Works on T/Cells in the thymus gland.
DOSAGE – 2 pillules, 3 times daily, for as long as needed. If very low can be taken up to 6 times daily.
*This excerpt was taken from the book “Narayani Remedies, Written by Nimisha Parker. Published by Primedia eLauch LLC Copyright 2010.”
Approximately 200 pillules in each 10g, amber glass bottle. Expiry date: 5 years.