Back to School Kit – 10 x 3g remedies (60+ pillules each)

$105.00 Incl. GST/VAT

SKU: EKH_29491BatoSc Category:


Please advise if you would like a pink, purple, light blue, dark blue,  black or red kit  (please write your selection in the comments field at checkout)

There are at least 60 pillules in each of the 3g remedy bottles

Remedies include:

1. Anticipatory Anxiety Support – If your child is feeling anxious about starting back at school, give a dose at any stage in the lead up to going to school, or whenever you notice they’re starting to feel anxious.

2. Brain/Memory Support – pop 2 pillules in your child’s water bottle, shake and have them drink from it daily to help with their concentration and focus in class.

3. Cough Support – It doesn’t matter the time of year…once coughs hit the classroom, it certainly can affect a lot of children. Be prepared with our cough support remedy.

4. Gastro Support – another wonderful remedy to have on hand. When gastro hits the classroom, it’s no fun for anyone. If a child in the class has been diagnosed with gastro, give your child a single dose of this remedy as a preventative, or give more frequently once there are symptoms of gastro

5. HFM Support – Hand foot and mouth disease can rip through the classroom without any warning. If you’re able to get this remedy into your child at the first sign of symptoms, it can relieve a lot of pain and suffering.

6. Ignatia 30c – Wonderful remedy for grief/loss/disappointment and to help with those big feelings when it’s time to say goodbye to Mum or Dad for the day

7. Kali Phos 6x – put 2 pillules in your child’s water bottle, shake and have them drink from it daily to help calm their nervous system.

8. School Sores Support – once school sores/impetigo hits the classroom, it tends to make the rounds and can be very hard to get rid of. Keep this wonderful remedy handy and give to your child at the first sign of school sores

9. Sleep Support – the stress of being back at school can carry over into night time for some children, which is where our sleep support remedy can be of great use. Pop 2 pillules in a small glass of water and stir. Give 1 teaspoon of this water to your child every 10-15 min for 4 doses before bed.

10. Worming Support – Back to school often means back to worms! Give 2 pillules 3 x daily for 3-5 days if your child has symptoms of worms, or 2 pillules daily for 3 days around the full moon





Additional information

Weight 220 g
Dimensions 100 × 50 × 50 mm

Black, Blue, Teal, Light Blue, Pink, Purple, Red