Hi, I’m Nicole,
I am a mum to three children and two adopted greyhounds. I have an 18 year old son, and Irish twins an 12 year old son and a 11 year old daughter. I am from Ireland and as a family we moved to the beautiful City of Perth in Western Australia in 2015. I have always had a fascination with Australia having lived here in my teens and having backpacked in my 20s. I love travelling, love the beach and surf club and I love the outdoor way of life here.
I qualified in 2012 after four life-changing years from The Irish school Of Homeopathy in Dublin, Ireland. It has been quite a journey since and every day I learn something new – be it from a patient, a book, CPD or one of Eugenie’s podcasts. This constant learning keeps me on my toes!
How I found Homeopathy & my personal experience!
I was about two years old when I started getting strange cyclical dizzy spells and vomiting. This went on for ten long years, during which time I saw all sorts of specialists in Ireland and abroad. My parents were desperate for help but no one knew what the cause was, how to stop it or what was wrong. They were at their wit’s end and eventually they took me to see a Homeopath. Within a few weeks of taking a remedy, my symptoms disappeared and never returned!
When I was in my early 20s, I was getting recurrent bladder infections. Antibiotics weren’t working and on this particular occasion, I went into the pharmacy to fill a third course of antibiotics. I spoke with the pharmacist and asked could she recommend anything else. She had just started to stock some Homeopathic remedies and desperate I was willing to try anything. It worked almost instantly, that remedy stayed in my handbag for the next few years in case of another attack.
I have always loved and wanted to help and work with people. I spent many a year working with the sick as a helper in Lourdes in France and I had wanted to be a nurse but on finishing school I found myself going straight into a new family business that grew very quickly and all my time and energy was immersed in it and I loved it. I was so busy with life and working that I had no reason to look at any other career.
The years past and I got married and I started a family and once again Homeopathy was presented to me. My GP wanted me to have surgery for something asymptomatic and this was the first time I questioned that maybe I should look at something different before I decided on having surgery for something that wasn’t causing any issues.
It was May 2008 a friend of mine who was also a RN was studying Homeopathy. She was only in her first year of study and recommended I go and see her Homeopath. The case taking blew me away all the questions about me and what made me work. I was so intrigued, I just had to know more. I had gone to the Homeopath to try avoid surgery which I did but as Homeopathy is holistic and takes in the whole person and one of the many things I told the Homeopath was about my headaches which I had suffered from daily for many years. I told her how I needed to take ibuprofen daily. By the time I had my first follow up four weeks later my headaches had gone. I no longer needed my daily dose of ibuprofen. It was then I knew I had to learn more and enrolled with The ISH and started my study 4 months later.
An angel, a miracle and a gift!
In my second year of college after trying for many years for another baby I got pregnant again. I’d had no medical intervention. I had secondary infertility and although we desperately wanted more children we were grateful for the one we had (our angel). The only changes in my life were that I was studying homeopathy and still occasionally seeing a homeopath! My second baby (our miracle) was born in my third year of college. At this stage my first born (our angel) was nearly 7. It didn’t stop there and within months of having my second baby I was pregnant again and in my 4th year of college I gave birth to my third child (our gift)! My second had just turned 12 months. My Irish twins were both planned homebirths and homeopathy got me through those pregnancies and their births.
Thankfully homeopathy was there for when I needed it the most. In 2020 my family and I needed something to help us deal emotionally with a very traumatic event that unfolded at lightning speed. This traumatic event was to change our lives forever. I was working with two international homeopaths (homeopaths need homeopaths too). They were both prescribing remedies for us during and after the event for shock, grief and trauma. It was months later that I truly realized the depth that homeopathy had. While we had to process what had happened homeopathy enabled us to think clearly and manage our day to day life really well. As a homeopath this has also helped me to come from a place of understanding and compassion. I am really passionate about helping others deal with trauma, grief and their emotional health. I believe that homeopathy is one of the most gentle and effective ways to do this.
If you’re interested in learning more about how homeopathy can help you or your child. Please contact me for a Free 15 minute discovery call.