Opening Hours:

Monday: 9:00 to 15:00

Tuesday: 9:00 to 15:00

Wednesday: 9:00 to 15:00

Thursday: 9:00 to 14:00

Friday: 9:00 to 15:00

Saturday: 10:00 -13:00

Sunday: Closed


Homeopathic immunisation, also referred to as Homeoprophylaxis (HP) has a 250 year history of safety and efficacy.

  • Did you know the Cuban Government used HP to successfully immunise over 2 million of their citizens against leptospirosis?

  • And that the Brazilian Government used HP to successfully immunise 65 000 children for meningococcal disease?

Would you be interested in learning how you can use Homeopathy to safely and effectively stimulate your child’s immune system, without the risk of any side effects?

Then join Homeopath Eugenie Kruger in a live Zoom session to find out more.

This course is about presenting your family with information regarding homeopathic immunisation, so you can make an informed decision regarding your family’s health and wellbeing. It is not intended to replace advice from your medical doctor regarding conventional vaccination (which I am obviously obliged to advise you).

It is essential to watch Eugenie’s 30 minute “Homeopathy@Home” video BEFORE attending this course. You can view this at

  • Investment in your education: $35
  • Date: Thursday 9 March 10am – 12pm AWS(UCT +8)
  • Course duration: 2 hours (1 hour lecture, with another hour for questions and discussions)
  • You will receive email handouts and have access to view the course for 48 hours afterwards